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СтильНа кого подписаться: Инстаграм самого обаятельного модного критика Линн Йегер

На кого подписаться: Инстаграм самого обаятельного модного критика Линн Йегер — Стиль на Wonderzine

Воспоминания о моде и любовь к винтажу

ПРОДОЛЖАЕМ РАССКАЗЫВАТЬ о достойных аккаунтах в соцсетях, через которые можно рассматривать целый мир.

Если вы следите за модой, то наверняка узнаете Линн Йегер — знаменитую журналистку, 3 десятилетия писавшую о стиле для The Village Voice и ныне работающую с Vogue. Линн Йегер всегда выделялась на фоне других критиков не только своей прямолинейностью и юмором — издания не устают цитировать её сокрушительную рецензию на шоу Тома Форда, в которой журналистка назвала его запрет на съемку во время показа «попыткой придать шоу эксклюзивности», но и необычным стилем. Огненно-рыжий боб в стиле флэппер, кукольный макияж и море тюля — свой образ журналистка характеризует примерно так: «Иногда я вижу на улице какую-нибудь двухлетнюю девочку в гигантской балетной пачке, смешном свитере и носках в горошек и сразу говорю себе: „А вот и мой образ“».

В мае Йегер наконец завела страницу в инстаграме. Там она делится разными запоминающимися историями, а их у неё наверняка накопилось столько, что хватило бы на целую книгу. Например, как она расплакалась на своей первой неделе моды из-за деления на «своих» и «аутсайдеров» (дело было на показе Anna Sui, когда ей не досталось даже стоячего места и она была вынуждена сидеть на земле вместе с фотографами), а единственным человеком, поддержавшим её, стал известный стритстайл-фотограф Билл Каннингэм. А также о том, что её цветочное платье из H&M, хотя многие верят, что это Valentino. Кроме того, Йегер с огромной любовью рассказывает ещё об одном своем увлечении — походах на блошиные рынки (если вы окажетесь в Париже после открытия границ, Йегер горячо советует тот, что на Porte des Vanves). В общем, всем неравнодушным к моде и винтажу советуем подписаться.

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This is a photograph of me and Bill Cunningham at a fashion show some years ago. When I first started covering fashion for the Village Voice in the mid-1990s, Bill was one of the first people who was nice to me. I didn’t realize how much fashion was going to be like school, the popular crowd seated in the front row, the exclusionary door policies (like not being picked for the team); the standing room section reserved for those deemed losers.I was deeply intimidated my first season. Finding me in tears in the press room across from Bryant Park, Bill took me by the hand and said, “Who cares about these mean people! We are the cool kids, we’re the downtown kids, who cares!” It was incredibly kind of him and I never forgot it. Eventually I worked my way up to the front row (OK sometimes the second row) but I never forgot the feeling of being an outsider. Bill was by choice the ultimate outsider —but also the ultimate cool kid. Fashion Week was never the same without him. #lynnyaeger #billcunningham

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This is a photograph of me shopping with Larry Kramer in June 1995. We were in London, and we were with my great friend the writer and AIDS activist Simon Watney, who took this picture. Kramer bought the Issey Miyake raincoat he is wearing here—could it have cost 800 pounds? In any case, it was expensive, and I remember him having a sort of “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we may die” attitude about spending all that money. I wish I could recall more about our afternoon together. Kramer, who passed away yesterday at the age of 84, was eulogized respectfully in the press, but at the height of Act-Up, the movement he founded in response to the epidemic, he was mocked and feared. Mocked because fierce fighters always make people uncomfortable, feared because he told the truth and the truth was unbearable. Although he was lovely to me on our shopping day, Kramer was not always what you might described as lovely. I remember being at a meeting at the LGBT center on 13th Street, and Kramer screaming from the podium, “Raise your hand if you don’t think you are going to die of AIDS!“ We all sat there, nobody knew quite what to do. Most recently, Kramer was working on a play about three plagues – the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the inevitable decline of the human body as we grow older, and of course the Covid pandemic. As we struggle to make sense of our current situation, and the horrors we see all around us, we will sorely miss Kramer’s bravery, his rage, and his uncompromising calls to action. RIP Larry. #larrykramer #lynnyaeger

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Everyone says post pictures of yourself! That’s how you get a lot of hits on Instagram! But I am reluctant to do this —it seems so weird and so conceited. Still, I have decided to share this lovely picture that Tom Marazzi took on the street in Soho a few days ago. I am wearing my new favorite dress which is from Valentino —or was it Dior? … Oh Wait it was H&M! I love this dress so much that I actually bought four of them. True confession: I got over my reluctance to take the subway and went to several different uptown H&Ms to stock up on this garment. I am wearing it over a white Parosh tutu embroidered with red lips; Batsheva made the mask; the pendant is by the brilliant Holly Dyment. I am carrying my beloved Goyard bag (not a fake one this time!) that I bought in Paris, and it was not easy to get this particular model....I had to plead with Goyard to ship this from their Biarritz boutique, a place where I have never been. But that’s another story. #lynnyaeger #tommytees #goyard #batsheva #hollydyment

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This picture was taken yesterday at Café Cluny. The faux-Gaultier purse I am holding actually belongs to Ladyfag, who I was having lunch with, along with her girlfriend Skin and our pal Mark Holgate. The sunglasses—which I think make me look like Peggy Guggenheim—were found inside the bag, which Lady bought at the Naschmarkt flea market in Vienna. (So adorable are both the hand-made purse and shades that Lady sent a pic of them to Jean Paul Gaultier himself, who reportedly loved it.) Ladyfag and I used to go to Vienna every year for Loveball, where she was hosting one of the many parties that took place as part of that AIDS benefit; I was invited as press but was pretty much free-loading. We both bought many wonderful things at that market. We would go early in the morning, before Lady had to rush off to a Loveball-related event; I would spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around Vienna, hearing the zither from The Third Man playing in my mind, eating a sacher torte and visiting favorite shops like the Pinocchio store and the Dorotheum, where I bought a miniature bronze antique fox orchestra. (Because I didn’t already have one?) At night, I would go the ball and stay as long as I could stand it, but in truth I am not much of a party animal. One year, I repaired to the hotel where I watched Lady hosting her party on the Vienna equivalent of NY1. The next day when she asked me, “Did you see me last night?” I wasn’t lying when I said, “Yes, you looked beautiful!” I don’t know if I ever told her the truth, but I guess she knows it now. #ladyfag #loveball #dorotheumauctionhouse #naschmarkt

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My friend Alex Dymek made this incredible bag for me some years ago. Barneys had just opened its Goyard boutique, and they were offering personalization, but the staff at that late lamented department store blanched when I asked if they could please, please paint my portrait on a tote? “I can do that for you, no prob!” Alex said. So I brought him a plain bag (is it an authentic pricey one, or a fake bought on the street? I’ll never tell) and he created this one-of-a-kind work of art. Alex, who is now the creative director of the fabulous faux-fur fashion company House of Fluff, is some kind of genius, and this bag—which speaks more than ever to our desire these days for something highly individual, hand-crafted, and made with love—is among my prized possessions. #furrygodmother #houseoffluff #goyard #lynnyaeger

Публикация от Lynn Yaeger (@babylynnieland)

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