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ЖизньНа кого подписаться: Активистка и секс-эксперт Эрика Харт

На кого подписаться: Активистка и секс-эксперт Эрика Харт — Жизнь на Wonderzine

В 2015 году Эрика Харт перенесла мастэктомию — и теперь старается помогать другим

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Эрику Харт широкая публика узнала после прошлогодней Нью-Йоркской недели моды — тогда она в рамках благотворительного показа прошла по подиуму топлес вместе с другими женщинами, пережившими рак груди и мастэктомию. Сегодня она много снимается для изданий и не стесняется высказываться на самые разные темы. В частности, Эрика показывает на собственном примере, что последствия болезни не мешают женщине быть сексуальной и наслаждаться жизнью.

По понятным причинам обнажёнку в аккаунте Эрики социальная сеть не банит, и спасибо. Активистка участвует во множестве красивых съёмок, а каждый её выход на публику превращается во вдохновляющее заявление. Советуем подписаться прямо сейчас: октябрь — месяц осведомлённости о раке молочной железы, и самое время узнать что-то новое об этом заболевании и вспомнить о необходимости его своевременной диагностики.

Still mad, but grateful. #lookmomiminprint #omagazine @oprahmagazine

Публикация от Ericka Hart, M.Ed. (@ihartericka)

I have an issue with resting. I'm virtually obstinate and immovable when it comes to simply doing nothing, I can't and won't. Yes, we talk a lot about resting and self care and doing what's in the best interest of our bodies. But, what I think goes unaddressed is how Black folks are taught to keep doing, keep going, rest only at night for the smallest bit of time, outside of which is deemed lazy. And no one should be seeing you as lazy. Last night, when I took a bath, I thought why am I doing this in the middle of the week. I should have waited till Friday. I sunk deeper into the water. I am reminded of this day. The first time I left the house after resting on purpose after my double mastectomy. How happy I was to be able to move and not be still. Never thought I'd be discovering the beauty of being still post recovery. #cancerwarrior #doublemastectomy #blacklivesmatter #queer #scars #bandages #qpoc #manymoonsago #blackfemme #femme #breastcancer #selfcare #rest

Публикация от Ericka Hart, M.Ed. (@ihartericka)

Pride continues to be one of my favorite times of year. Every year hasn't been as blissful, but I still have fond memories. As a little recap, I went to the @nycpride parade (yes, I mean parade) for a bit but had to exit as the cop brigade blew their sirens and waved down 5th avenue. The Pride March was started by black trans femmes in NYC fighting to just exist. They didn't call on the police or banks or corporations to march with them. Why? Because they were (and are) a part of the problem. I have seen an upswing of rainbow flags with major institutions that have at the same time participated in the erasure of Black and Brown queer communities (cough cough #wellsfargo). A rainbow flag or a kitschy slogan doesn't mean that you are here for our community. Yes, "love is love" but "racism is also racism", "conquest is conquest" and a capitalist presence in a movement for liberation reveals a corporate motive plain as day: co-opt and sanction to make more money to hide the violence that's actually caused. Yet, in the midst of an aggressive appropriation campaign by a largely white American business community intending to co opt black, trans and queer existence/resistance for monetary gain, I was surrounded by the most joyous-celebratory- unbothered- beautifully turnt Black and Brown queer and trans family! I felt held. I love y'all! Thank you @bklynboihood , @jewel_thegem , @queerabstract, and @setitoffnyc for creating the space for us to resist through community and dancerie! #pride #resist #blacklivesmatter #blacktranslivesmatter #cancerwarrior #here #nojusticenopride #queer #qpoc 📷 by: @karensterlingphoto

Публикация от Ericka Hart, M.Ed. (@ihartericka)


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